Kid’s Clothes Week Summer 2013: My Plan

So yeah.  Today is the first day of the very first summer Kids Clothes Week, and how many kids clothes items did I prepare to sew?  Exactly zero!

My kids both have overflowing closets (three sets of grandparents who love to spoil them will do that), and my own maternity and postpartum wardrobe is fairly pitiful, so my focus has very much been on self-sewing lately.

Luckily (I guess), I have a slew of cut but unsewn kids items in my WIP pile right now, so this KCW seems like a perfect time to try to plow my way through some of them.

I will be selective, though.  There are several items for N that I cut that I probably won’t bother sewing together, perhaps ever.  I cut a couple of darling little dresses for her, BUT, she has recently decided that she doesn’t like dresses anymore!

N’s Twos have made her even more opinionated, and she currently has about 4 t-shirts and 2-3 pairs of shorts that she rotates.  All dresses are out of the rotation, as are most of her tops, particularly any dressier ones.  Her favorite is a hot pink t-shirt with multi-colored butterflies all over it.  If it’s clean, she wears it.

I do have a couple little tops cut for her, though, and they should be easy to sew together.  Hopefully that won’t be an hour wasted!

J seems to grow only up and never out, which means that he can still wear the shorts he wore when he was a year old!  In fact, his waist measurement is actually smaller now than it was 3 years ago (effect of losing the diaper I guess).  I can’t keep the kid in pants that fit — they turn into highwaters seemingly within 5 seconds of acquiring them — but his shorts drawer is overflowing.

I have one pair of shorts cut for him from a super-cool Echino cars print that have been sitting in my WIP pile for at least two months.  I plan to finally finish those this week!

The rest of my kid sewing this week will be baby-oriented, and likely not clothing.  I really need to start working on the bedding for the baby’s nursery.  The fabric has been purchased and laundered for over 2 months now, and it is high time to get those crib sheets put together!  I know, I know, it’s kid’s clothes week, so I’m totally cheating.  Ah well.

Anyway, here’s my goal list for the week:

  1. Made by Petchy baby dress in size 9-12 months (great top size for a 2-year-old) in purple gingham for N.
  2. Vintage Simplicity pinafore top refashioned from an old mint polka dot bedsheet for N.
  3. Clean Slate Shorts in awesome Echino cars fabric for J.
  4. Maybe a second Hopscotch Dress for N.  This is very much a maybe since she’s not big on dresses right now and rarely will consent to wear the first one I made her.
  5. Crib sheets.  I plan to use the tutorial from MADE.
  6. Crib skirt.  I plan to use this tutorial.

If there’s any time this week once this is done, it’s all about me again!

Anyone else sewing along?  What’s on your list?

2 thoughts on “Kid’s Clothes Week Summer 2013: My Plan

  1. Kelly

    Ahhh…I can’t do it this week, but I will be sewing a couple of dresses a the end of the month, I think I am finally going to try the Geranium dress pattern. I always make birthday dresses for my girls, and my little one is turning 3 at the start of August!

    1. Katie Post author

      Understandable! I debated whether to do it this time … We’ll see if I make it a full week before turning back to my own wardrobe 🙂

      I like the Geranium Dress pattern. Really versatile and a pretty quick sew. A 3-year-old birthday is a great reason to turn to kid sewing!


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